

Innovation handler om at nå at fra strategisk hensigt til skabt værdi.

Med vort 2-dages kursus får du udviklet dit tankesæt og dine kompetencer til at lede innovationsforløb. Du får konkrete værktøjer og afdækket dit eget udviklingspotentiale. Vi tilbyder både åbne kurser i innovationsledelse samt virksomhedsspecifikke forløb.


Undervisningsformen er deltagerorienteret og involverende med både individuelle øvelser og gruppeøvelser. Du får dybdegående kursusmateriale med alle værktøjerne, som du vil kunne bruge i dit daglige arbejde efter kurset. Du går hjem fra kurset med:

• Stærk forståelsesramme til at lede innovation
• Konkrete værktøjer
• Forståelse for personlige styrker og udfordringer

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Hvis jeres udviklingsteam, ledergruppe eller projektgruppe skal have et fælles billede og arbejdsmodel for innovation kan I vælge et kursus specifikt for jer. Det kan finde sted in-house hos jer eller vi kan arrangere egnede eksterne lokaler i overensstemmelse med jeres forventninger.

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Kurset og kursusmaterialet er udviklet af Barnes & Conti, en amerikansk kursusvirksomhed, på basis af forskningen udført på CENTRIM på University of Brighton. 1st Mile udbyder kurset lokalt i Danmark.

Course Outline:

Opening Exercise, Definitions, Key Models
– Exercise, discussion, and exploration of core definitions and concepts related to creativity, innovation, and innovation management

Personal Connections: Contributions, Lessons Learned, Needs, and Issues
– Examination of participant and organizational strengths, needs, and experiences regarding innovation management

The Innovation Journey
– Introduction to the core model for innovation management and application to participants’ past experiences

The Avatars of Innovation

– Exploration of the mindsets and skillsets required during each phase of the innovation journey

Deep Dive: Searching, Exploring, Committing
– Analysis of the early phases of the innovation journey through viewing and discussing a video example followed by skill practice, observation, and feedback

Skill Assessment
– Review of the mindsets and skillsets as applied to participants’ own management practices; identification of further learning needs

Tools for Idea Development
– Introduction to several tools for generating, developing, and selecting promising ideas

Innovation Journey Exercise
– Practice in managing a competitive, time-bound innovation journey through all the phases

Organizational Capability: Research and Application
– Application of six areas of innovation capability identified through research on successfully innovative organizations to participants’ own areas of influence and responsibility

Innovation Agenda
– Development of a draft plan for implementing innovation management skills